Above: Meet Dan Clowes.
I went to see "Art School Confidential" last night and really enjoyed it. Dan Clowes is the original creative force behind the movie, which was loosely based on an early story of his. I was kind of bracing for a debilitating dose of Clowesian (?) ennui and pathos, but there's a lot of comedy in the movie. In fact, Clowes painted a self-portrait as a murder victim prop..watch for it. I can't say any more or I'll spoil things for you.
Anyway, here is an interview with Clowes from the super-excellent-outstanding BBC program from last year called "The Secret of Drawing," hosted by Andrew Graham-Dixon. I was at the APE expo in San Francisco last month, and my friend went over to talk to Clowes, who was signing autographs. My friend mentioned to him that I had this video, and Clowes was surprised as neither he nor his friends had seen it. Well, friends, now you can. This interview comes from the second show in the 4 episode series, which covers storytelling. I highly recommend you seek out The Secret of Drawing, which is a fascinating and wide-ranging look at drawing: as it relates to fashion, art, surgery, architecture, comics, movies, etc...
In this clip, Clowes talks about his childhood, about learning how to draw, and he reads from one of his stories.
Dan Clowes interview & reading from "The Secret of Drawing" 14 min, 52 MB .mov file.
right click to download
kindly occasionally click on an ad. Thanks!
Thank you for sharing this!
Gracias Pantufla!
I haven't seen the video yet but it must be good, I like everything Clowes-related. Thank you in advance, I'll watch it now!
very insightful,thank you!
Congratulations on this! It's very well edited and directed! It's amazingly good to sneak inside Clowes studio. Thank you!
I love Clowes work also, thanks for sharing the video otherwise I wouldnt have known about it.
Hey all, glad you're liking the Clowes clip. I love hearing artists talk about their work. Anyway, as for finding the Secret of Drawing, I recommend checking some torrent sites like demonoid.com.
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