Music, illustration, graphic design, and other interesting things.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The New Yorker Eustace Tilley contest spread

Today is one of those rare times that I get to check off a life goal, like getting an illustration published in the New Yorker. I found the current Anniversary issue on the stands today and took a while before I found the spread of some of the Eustace Tilley contest winners' work. I was flattered by my illustration appearing first under the title. Wow. Thanks to the New Yorker and for holding this contest. There are a ton of amazing artists posting work on Flickr, and it was a thrill to have the most prestigious, illustrator-friendly publication come to us right here, our electronic art studio complex.

The names of the artists are in small type, running vertically on the margin.

For anyone needing illustrations, I am available.


Alberto Forero

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